We do not play hide and seek with the majors.


X = Two-suiter with 4+  :

        canapé or 5-4+ limited or 5-5+m ambitions.

          2♣ = RELAY. (with 3 and a shortage bid 2).

                      → PASS = 5+♣, can have 5 poor quality.

                      → 2      = 5 , can have 5 poor quality.

                  2      = 5-4+ limited.

                      → 2♠      =  4-5+ ♠, can have 5 lower quality

                      → 2NT   = 5-5+ m ambitions.

                 → 3x       = canapé, ambitions.

          2NT = RELAY. Ambitions .


2♣ = Two-suiter with 4+♠ :

          canapé or 5♠ -4+ limited or 5♠-5+ x ambitions.

             2   = RELAY.

                         → PASS = 5+, can have 5♠ poor quality.

                         → 2     = 4+♠-5 , can have 5 lower quality

                     2♠     = 5♠-4+ limited.

                         → 2NT =  5♠-5+x ambitions.

                    → 3♣    = 4+♠-5♣ (the only sequence you can play

                                     at the 3 level).

            2NT = RELAY. Ambitions.


2     = MULTI.

               then 2NT = 6+ ambitions.

               then 3x = 6+♠ ambitions.


2     = 5-4+♣  limited.

2 ♠    =  5-4+  limited.

2NT  = Minor two-suiter.

3♣,3 = one-suiter.


A look at "modern" STANDARD.


X = Two-suiter with 4M-5+m unknown

             2♣ = RELAY. To play in a minor.

      Perhaps there is a major fit 4-4 or 5-4 and therefore 

      a better part-score and even a game.


             2 = RELAY. To play in a major.

      You have to have both major or a major and strong

       enough to play at 3-level.




2♣ = major two-suiter at least 5-4












2     = MULTI.

               then 2NT = 6+ ambitions.

               then 3x = 6+♠ ambitions.


2♥     = 5-4+ m unknown strength and unknown minor.

2♠     = 5♠-4+ m  unknown strength and unknown minor.

2NT  = Minor two-suiter.

3♣,3 = one-suiter.