The 2/1 game forcing is part of the US standard. How does it work ?

On the opening of a major, the 2/1 response promises at least 12+ HCP and then becomes game forcing. There are obvious advantages, firstly to be game forcing. For example, the 2NT rebid by responder will be forcing, mostly semi-natural with 2+ cards in the major opening. With a better shape (5-5, 6-4, 6+ one suiter) the responder only makes a natural bid. No problem, it would be forcing too. Then big advantage to US STANDARD compared to the French STANDARD. But with 12 HCP, game is not necessarily to play if opener has a strict minimum, especially with "modern" openings becoming lighter. Then...

And what responder must do with 11 HCP? He has to answer 1NT semi-forcing (opener passes only 5-3-3-2, 11-13 HCP). We can therefore play 1NT less often than in the French STANDARD. If the opener makes a bid on 1NT, responder has now to bid 2NT or to jump (if available) at the 3-level to show 11 HCP. Two dangers : to be too high at 2NT(better play 2 in the major if partner has a strict minimum), to miss a game with  10-11 HCP and a 6 cards suit when opener passes 1NT.

Sure, the French standard with 11 HCP seems to me more efficient since it produces a natural bid first, necessarily more revealing than 1NT forcing. Then small advantage to French standard.


In  MAJEURE SECURISEE , 2/1  is not game forcing. It is almost STANDARD (follow 2♣ SAUVET ).

Yet the MAJEURE SECURISEE through its unique development system benefits from the advantages of  2/1 game forcing  without suffering the disadvantages. Indeed, the very minimum openings (max 13 HCP,   5-3-3-2 or 5-4m-2-2 or possibly 5+♠-4+ ) are cataloged and processed immediately. Do not think you have problems with minimum openings containing 6+ major or shortage as they were opened 2 MAJOR FANTUNES .

While the better openings (thus  game forcing) have the most economic RELAY (2on 2 ♣SAUVET and 2M on 2 ,2 ) for "calm" hands and have natural bids for more structured hands. You can see there the GAZZILLI spirit : in GF sequences, calmer the hand is slower you go, and you discribe immediately the more structured hand.


Here are 3 sequences mistreated in STANDARD. In  MAJEURE SECURISEE , introducing the GAZZILLI spirit in these sequences allows for much better management of problems than in STANDARD.

To enable this improvement, no need to play the 2/1 game forcing associated with 1NT semi-forcing (American standard).

No, just play the openings of 2 MAJOR FANTUNES in order to improve the development of these sequences.

In french STANDARD 2 shows :

1.  6+cards of 11+ HCP (what to do with a poor suit  15+ HCP : maybe 2NT with 6-3-2-2 but with a shortage ?).

2.  5-3-3-2 11-14 HCP.

3. 5♠-4+ ♣  too weak to raise.

In conclusion, we ignore the strength and the structure of the hand.

Then what  does the responder needs to do on 2♠?


Hand 1:

At the guess!

If the partner has a weak 5-3-3-2  you have to pass, otherwise you must continue.










Hand 2:


If you play the direct 3♣ response on 1♠ opening to show a spade raise, then you will have no choice than to response 2♣ and then on 2♠ :

On 2♠, 3♣ is not forcing. Then you have to invent a forcing 3, but when partner concludes to 3NT you will have no information on whether to continue.

Warning: slam within sight with  Q and few points lost in spades in opener's hand.










Hand 3:

On 2♠, 3 ♣ is not forcing. Then you have to invent a forcing 3, but when partner concludes to 3NT you will have no information on whether to continue.

Warning: grand slam within sight with  Q or  xxx  and two aces in opener's hand.











2♠ = 5-3-3-2 or 5-4m-2-2 minimum (at best 13 HCP). follow 2♣ SAUVET

The hand has no shortage or 6+ major (open a FANTUNES 2M)

or 4+ (bid 2)


Responder pass with hand N° 1.

Concludes with hand No. 2 to 3NT (slam too far).

Prospected by 3 ♣ natural forcing with hand N° 3 (direct response of 3♣ on 1♠ shows 10-11 HCP).


I recall that with a better hand opener bids  2on 2 ♣ .

In that case, the responder's bids are then in the GAZZILLI spirit:

with hand N° 1: 2NT = 2+ spades , of course forcing game.

with hand N° 2: 3NT = 12-14 HCP, 6♣-3-3-1♠ (with 10-11 HCP respond 3 immediately)

with hand N° 3: 3 ♣ of course.

Everything is in place for not to have to guess.



 In french STANDARD 2 shows :

1.  6+cards of 11+ HCP (what to do with a poor suit  15+ HCP : maybe 2NT with 6-3-2-2 but with a singleton?).

2.  5-3-3-2 11-14 HCP.

3. 5♠-4m  too weak to bid at 3 level.

In conclusion, we ignore the strength and the structure of the hand.

Then what does the responder must do on 2 ♠?

The same problems more common than previously arise.




 2♠ = GAZZILLI GF. 14+ HCP, too strong for 2x not strong enough or structured for 2NT or 3x.

            follow 1 ♠ 2 and 1 ♠ 2

         With the flat hand  5♠-3-3-2 or 5♠-4♣-2-2 11-13 HCP responds 2NT or 3 .


On that rebid of 2♠ GAZZILLI responder may prospect quietly by 2NT or bid at the 3 level, to show a more structured hand.



 In french STANDARD 2 shows :

1.  6+cards of 11+ HCP (what to do with a poor suit  15+ HCP : maybe 2NT with 6-3-2-2 but with a singleton?).

2.  5-3-3-2 11-14 HCP.

3. 5♠-4 m  too weak to bid at 3 level.

In conclusion, we ignore the strength and the structure of the hand.

Then what does the responder must do on 2 ♠?




 2♠ = GAZZILLI GF. 14+ HCP, too strong for 2x not strong enough or structured for 2NT or 3x.

         follow 1 ♠ 2 and 1 ♠ 2

          With the flat hand  5♠-3-3-2 or 5♠-4♣-2-2 11-13 HCP responds 2NT or 3.


In conclusion, the MAJEURE SECURISEE allows  to bid right away flat minimum openings and have an economic bid for GF hands not too structured, allowing the responder to have an economic RELAY at 2NT.