Your partner opens 1 and you have that hand :

N°1 : Q962 Q862
1086 54

You respond 1 but not surprisingly, opener rebids 4(3NT).                              solutions in MAJEURE SECURISEE


N°2 : 962 Q9862
10862 5

You respond 1 but not surprisingly, opener rebids 3.                                       solutions in MS


N°3 : KQ62 A9
Q1086 954

You respond 1 and opener raises to 2.                                                               solutions in MS


N°4 : AQ2 A109542
6 J104

You respond 1 and why not, opener rebids 2.                                                  solutions in MS


N°5 : K2 A103
QJ65 J964

You respond 2NT and opener PASSES. Too high!                                                solutions in MS


N°6 :

A5 963
QJ62 KJ94

You respond  2NT but are you sure to play from the good hand.                                              solutions in MS


N°7 :

J98 AK9
6 K109632

What's your bid ?                                                                                                                                         solutions in MS


N°8 :

A98 AK9
6 K109632

What's your bid ?                                                                                                                                        solutions in MS



First, let me introduce the 1♣ opening.

You open 1♣ all balanced hands which are not opened xNT. Balanced hands of 1 are (11)12-14 HCP or 18- 20 - HCP with 2+ cards.

All responses at 1 or 2 level are transfer bids. 1 is a particular one. It denies a major, unbalanced it is limited to 11 HCP with 4+ diamonds, balanced it can be very strong. On major transfers, opener has to accept the transfer at the 1 level with 3 cards. If he doesn't accept the transfer responder knows that opener has no 3 cards support (except perhaps with strong hand).

All responses at the 2 level are transfer bids with 6+ cards, weak (0-8 HCP) or strong (12+ HCP). It can be made with 5 cards only with minors two-suiter (12+ HCP).

In the following hands for more precision follow the links.

You have the two hands presented : opener and responder.

Responder's hand

N°1 : Q962 Q862
1086 54

You respond 1 (transfer).


N°2 : 962 Q9862
10862 5

You respond 1 (transfer) and you pass on 1.


N°3 : KQ62 A9
Q1086 954

You respond 1 (transfer) and opener raises to 2 = 12-13 DH so you pass.


N°4 : AQ2 A109542
6 J104

You respond 1 (transfer), opener rebids 2. You rebid 2 (3rd suit forcing) and on 2 (2 cards) you bid the game.

N°5 : K2 A103
QJ65 J964

You respond 1NT= 10+-11 HCP.


N°6 :

A5 963
QJ62 KJ94

You respond 1 (no major). On 1NT you rebid 2NT.


N°7 :

J98 AK9
6 K109632

You respond 3 (invitational with 10-11 HCP and 6+ cards).


N°8 :

A98 AK9
6 K109632

You respond 3 (game force with 12+ HCP, 6+ and a shortage).


Opener's hand (opening 1)

N°1 : A10 K1074
AK3 KJ87

You rebid 3 = 19-20 DH, better than 4 and played by the strong hand.


N°2 : A108 K107
Q AKJ876

You rebid 1 = 3 cards support up to 20 DH or 4 cards support 14-18 DH.


N°3 : A1065 Q1074
A53 Q2

You rebid 2 = 12-13 DH. In STANDARD facing a game try you'ld stop at 3.


N°4 : 103 J2
AK3 KQ8732

You rebid 2 and on 2 (3rd suit forcing) you bid 2 (2 cards).


N°5 : A65 K874
95 KQ87

You PASS on 1NT.


N°6 : Q1062 K10
AK3 Q872

You rebid 1NT and on 2NT you bid 3NT playing from the good hand.


N°7 : A10 J1075
QJ3 A1087

You rebid 3NT.


N°8 : K6 Q1074
J93 AQ87

On 3( shortage), you make a cue-bid at 3.







You open 1 with that hand :

N°1 : 62 AQ6
KQ52 Q1065

Your partner responds 1, you rebid 1NT. Are you sure to make a good auction?                                             solutions MS


N°2 : 62 AQ6
KQ52 AK102

Your partner responds 1 , you rebid 2NT. Are you sure to make a good auction?                                           solutions MS


N°3 : K1064 QJ82
65 AJ5

Your partner responds 1♠, you raise to 2. And now he rebids 2NT, a game try. You finally play 3.          solutions MS


N°4 : AJ10 AQ6
2 AJ6532

Your partner responds 1. Can you propose a good rebid?                                                                                    solutions MS                                                           


N°5 : AK10 AQ
62 AJ6532

Your partner responds 1. Can you propose a good rebid?                                                                                    solutions MS


N°6 : AJ10 AQ
62 J106532

Your partner responds 1. What do you rebid? 1NT or 2.                                                                                    solutions MS






You open 1 with that hand :

N°1 : 62 AQ6
KQ52 Q1065

Your partner responds 1 (transfer), you rebid 1 = 3 cards support up to 20 DH or 4 cards support 14-18 DH.  You surely make a better auction.

Your partner can pass with a very weak hand, bid x NT or bid at the appropriate level in or prospect with 1(RELAY) or 2 (stronger RELAY) .

N°2 : 62 AQ6
KQ52 AK102

Your partner responds 1 (transfer), you rebid 1. See above.

N°3 : K1064 QJ82
65 AJ5

Your partner responds 1 (transfer), you raise to 2 = 12-13 HD. Your partner no longer has to make a game try. You have responded his question!

N°4 : AJ10 AQ6
2 AJ6532

Your partner responds 1 (transfer). No problem, you rebid 1 = 3 cards support up to 20 DH or 4 cards support 14-18 DH. Don't worry, you'll be able to precise that hand the following auction.

N°5 : AK10 AQ
62 AJ6532

Your partner responds 1 (transfer). Unfortunately you can't bid 1 as in the previous sequence. You now bid 2  = one-suiter 15-19 HCP or minor two-suiter 15-23 HCP.

N°6 : AJ10 AQ
62 J106532

Your partner responds 1 (transfer). What do you rebid? 1NT or 2. For me it is not a question of method but a question of judgment.

I rebid 2 which denies  3 cards support in hearts. If partner is too weak to rebid it's certainly a good contract. If he has to rebid NT, it's certainly better played by his hand.



If you want to see openings by examples please follow the links :