1 = 5+ unbalanced  11-23 HCP. 2 exceptions: 4-4-4-1, 5 -3-3-2 (17 -19 + HCP)

        If 5-4 -2-2 or 5 -4 ♣-2-2 little concentrated open 1 ♣ or 1NT.



The 2 ♦, 2 and 2 ♠ auctions made without intervention to show a two-suiter 5 ♠-4 + are no longer relevant.

2 ♠ bid retains the meaning given to it after opening 1 ♣ and intervention to the one level.

Namely 6+ weak or 5+ ♣ GF. Similarly TRANSFERT for the other major shows 6+cards, weak or GF.

This is great for playing clubs or other major from the good hand (the opener one).

And for the memory : after the opening of a minor and intervention to the one level, 2 ♠ bid always shows 6+ weak or 5+ GF  and the TRANSFERT for a major shows 6+cards, weak or GF.

And after opening 1 the 'remaining bid at the 2 level shows 6+ cards in the other major and a limit hand.

Which give :


 X      = 4-5 or 6+ misfit cards.

1 ♠    = 4+ . Maximum 10 HCP.

1NT  = Natural. Probably not Fitte.

2 ♣  = 11+ HCP. Natural Denies 4+ . Holds 6+ limit.

or  support 10+HCP. 

2    = 6+ limit.  

2   = 6+ weak or FM .

2 ♠  = 6+ weak or 5+♣ GF (4+ possible).

3m  = Unchanged.

3M   = SPLINTER (heart SPLINTER is unlimited)


Purpose: To affirm immediately spades and play from the right hand. Play clubs in the right hand with ambitions.

All this, in the minds of developments after an overcall on 1 .





1 = 5+ unbalanced  11-23 HCP. 2 exceptions: 4-4-4-1, 5 -3-3-2 (17 -19 + HCP)

If 5-4 -2-2 or 5 -4 ♣-2-2 little concentrated open 1 ♣ or 1NT.



See previous remarks.


X = 4-5 or 6+ misfit cards.

1NT = Natural. Probably not Fitte.

2♣ Natural = 4+ cards. Holds 6+ limit. In the area minimum hand is not misfit .

or made 4 from 10 H.

2    = 6+ weak or GF. Or limit with 6+ and without control in spade (K or shortage).

2♥   = 6+ limit and a spade control.

2♠  = 6+ ♣ weak or 5+♣ GF (4 possible) .

3m = Unchanged.

3M   = SPLINTER (spades force is unlimited)


Purpose: To affirm immediately the hearts and play from the right hand. Play clubs in the right hand with ambitions.

All this, in the minds of developments after an overcall on 1 .