Opening 2 : 10-13 HCP                                         ≈ 6% apertures

                                                            5-4+m + shortage or 6+, denies 4♠


2   = asks for the minor.


      2NT = 6+ (6-3-2-2,6-3-3-1,6-4-2-1 or 7+) but not 6-4m-3-0

             3 = RELAY .

                  3 = 6-4m then 3 RELAY:

                       → 3♠ = 6-4-2-1 → 3NT = 6-4-2-1

                  3 = single-suiter 6 mini.

                  3 = single-suiter 6+ maxi with a shortage.

                       → 3NT = shortage?

                  3NT = one-suiter 6+-2-2-2, max.

             3 = to play.

             3♠ = 5 + ♠. Forcing.


      3   = 5-4+♣ or 6-4♣-3-0

            3 = RELAY . Research TRIPLETON .

                 3♥  = 5+-4+-3 (major shortage) **

                 3♠  = 5+-4+-3♠ (minor shortage) **

                 3NT = 5-5♣+-2-1. (No tripleton and not 6 )

            3,4♣ = invitational.

            3 ♠ = 5+ ♠. Ambitions, otherwise we relay.

      3   = 5-4 or 6 -4-3-0

            3 = RELAY . Research TRIPLETON .

                 3♠  = 5-4-3+♣ or 6-4-3♣-0 (major shortage) **

                 3NT = 5-4-3♠-1             (minor shortage)

                 4♣  = 6-4- 3♠-0  (6th is bidden at 4th level).

                                                   3♠ = 5+ ♠. Ambitions, otherwise we relay.

      3   = 5-5-3♣-0.    → 4♣ = raise mini or raise ambitions + control.

      3♠ = 5-5-3♠-0.              → 4 = Min. → 4 = max.

      3NT = 5-5+-2-1.     4 = TURBO

      4m = 6(correct suit)-5m.


2NT = 5+ , invitational.

      3 = 4+ , 0-2

      3 = 4+ , 0-2

      3 = 6+ .

      3 = 3 cards mini.

      4 = 3 cards maxi.


3♣, 3 = 6+ cards. Forcing.

3   = invitational.

3   = 6+ . Forcing.

3NT = 4-4-3-2 ♥ (5m-3-3-2). Well guarded suits (especially tripleton).



And now how to bid a slam ?

When the distribution of the opener is unspecified, the 4 Minor fit is not forcing.

When the distribution of the opener is specified, bidding four in a minor where opener promises 3+ cards is TURBO. Bidding the suit where opener shows a shortage is an artificial slam try in the opener's major.