More than a convention  GAZZILLI is primarily a state of mind.

It is  known only in the following sequences:


2♣ GAZZILLI bid is forcing and shows a natural two-suiter or a good hand, even strong, inappropriate for another bid within the system you play. In the MAJEURE SECURISEE we find many more situations where  GAZZILLI is used. It is primarily the spirit of GAZZILLI which is sought there. A GAZZILLI hand might be strong but not very structured : 5-3-3-2, 5-4-2-2, 5-4-3-1, 6th one-suiter. While other more structured strong hands will be handled by a jump (two-suiter 10+ cards, 7th suit).

We will see that the responder in some sequences will also be required to bid in GAZZILLI mind. This will happen after a 2/1 and positive rebid by the opener which becomes game forcing.


The 1M opening contains strong 2 unbalanced hand

(but not the 5M-3-3-2 or 5M-4m-2-2 guarded doubleton which are opened multi 2 or 2NT).

The responses therefore start from 3+ HCP. With very weak support, bid 1NT.


On 1 do you respond with : ♠ 103   ♥ 95   ♦ V642  ♣ DV875

       The answer is no :    if the partner is balanced he is limited to 19 HCP  → no game

                                             if major two-suiter : little or no useful values  → no game

                                             if  major-minor two-suiter, a minor game is very remote.

On 1 do you respond with :  ♠ 103   ♥ D9532   ♦ 64  ♣ V1032

       The answer is yes :  if the partner is balanced, 2 is an acceptable contract (if the system allows to stop at 2 ! ).

                                             if the partner is  major two-suiter (especially 5-5) a game is not unlikely.

On 1 do you respond with :  ♠ 10632   ♥ 92  ♦ D6432  ♣ D10

       The answer is no :   if the partner is balanced he is limited to 19 HCP → no game

                                            if major two-suiter, only 4-4 and  little or no useful values → no game

                                            if  major-minor two-suiter, a minor game is very remote.

On 1 do you respond with :  ♠ 1098763   ♥ R2  ♦ 6432  ♣ 10 (follow deal  15/12/2016)

       The answer is obviously yes : a spade fit 6-3 or 6-4 possible and (or) a useful card in heart.


Conclusion : In case of doubt whether to speak with 3-4 HCP, look at your values in major and you will get the answer.


opener's rebid :


All jumps starting from 2NT are strong highly structured hands  :


 2NT = 6 + M and  solid suit with maximum one loser facing a shortage (KQJ10xx yes but AK109xx no)). 2 types of hand :

           1) 6 + -4 + (♠ fit possible), 3-5 losers. 

           2) to play 3NT with stoppers.

               On the 3♣ relay :  rebid 3-level with 4-5 losers (3M = 6M-4+♣)

                                                 and 4-level with 3½-4 losers.

               Ex :  ♠ ARDV83   ♥ RD96   ♦ 83  ♣ 8. Do not rebid 2 but 2NT followed by 3 .

3x = 5M-5+ (5M-4 ♣ possible) , semi-forcing. (Not solid 6M possible).

3M = 7 + solids M. ~ 4 losers. ACOL type.

3NT = 6+ AKDxxx. Additional stoppers.

4m   = After 1      1♠,       FRAGMENT-BID zone 4, at least 5 keys. Without 5 Keys one makes a GAZZILLI 2 ♣.

4♥    = After 1      1♠,       6-5 .

4♠    = After 1      1♠,        5-4-2-2, 19-20 HCP. Stronger, make a GAZZILLI.


For other rebids don't forget that if you play the openings of FANTUNES 2M, the major one-suiter or major-minor two-suiter then show at least 14 HCP (with 5M-4m-2-2 limited to 13 HCP, not exceed 1NT), which gives as part of the MAJEURE SECURISEE :


2M = 6+ M, 14-17 HCP , one-suiter . (with 17 HCP and 3 cards in the other major you can rebid 2 ♣).

          Exception: 1    1NT   2 = one-suiter  14-17 HCP or 6-4♠ 11-16 HCP.

          If you have: ♠ RDV1052   ♥ A5   ♦ AR3  ♣ 85 not rebid 2 but 2♣ GAZZILLI followed by 3).

2 = 5M-4 + 14 -19 HCP . (Not solid 6M possible). A range of acceptable 5 points while in the STANDARD range is 7-8 pts.

         Do not go through 2 GAZZILLI in the 18-19 HCP range, the GAZZILLI is already enough overloaded. You could not show your 

         diamonds facing a very weak partner : it would be forcing.

          If you have: ♠ A5   ♥ ARV105   ♦ RDV105  ♣ 5 not rebid 2 but 3 .

2 = 5+♠-4 + 11 - 17 H . A range of 6 points while in the STANDARD range is rather 7-8 pts.

        See sequence .

        If you have: ♠ AR1043   ♥ ARV105   ♦ 42  ♣ 5 not rebid 2 but 2♣ GAZZILLI followed by 3 (remember the comments at the top of

        this page).

3 ♠ = After 1      1♠,  spade raise  zone 3 (17-19 HD). (one zone stronger than Standard ).

2♣ = GAZZILLI : at least 14 HCP.

  •          At least 14 HCP : 5+M-4 +  14-20 HCP   or M support  zone 2 (14-16 HCP) or zone 4 (without shortage or with less than 5 keys).
  •          At least 15 +HCP : 5-3-3-2  15+-19 HCP (with 5M-3-3-2   15 HCP we sometimes open 1NT).
  •          Too strong for 2x but not strong enough or structured for 2NT or 3x.


Notes on  the 2♣ GAZZILLI in the MAJEURE SECURISEE:

With 5+ M-4 + m under 14 HCP either open 2 FANTUNES with a singleton, either rebid 1NT or  pass over 1NT with 5M-4 m-2-2. Do not think that you will improve the situation  by rebidding 2m with 5M-4 m-2-2, the statistics work by VERNES showed that this is not the case.

That's why the  2 GAZZILLI is  14 +HCP , as the rebid of  2 and  the major rebid (thank you to FANTUNES two major).

The 2 GAZZILLI is an absolutely necessary convention when you play very elastic 1M openings : in the MAJEURE SECURISEE these openings can contain up to 23 HCP. As the bid is forcing of course, you will see that a system of appropriate responses significantly improves STANDARD system. But do not think you are going to improve any situation where you are in trouble in STANDARD.

2 GAZZILLI primarily allows accurately process all 5M-3-3-2 hands, both for zoning points but also for the discovery of the 5 + -3 fit in the other responder possible major . In other rare situations where the responder is weak and misfit (singleton and less than 7 H)CP, it can put your side in an embarrassing situation, but it can also be the case for those who do not play GAZZILLI. 

STATISTICALLY convention is winning because  all frequent cases and the overriding problems (zoning hands and  5 + -3  fit in the other major) are improved.

Let's explore the GAZZILLI:



developments of 2 ♣ GAZZILLI
  • 14-20 HCP 5+♠-4+♣
  •  15-19 HCP  5♠-3-3-2
  •  Too strong to 2x but not strong enough or structured for 2NT or 3x.




                         2     = 7 + -10 HCP. All hands. The positive rebid starts from 7 HCP (a point less than in most GAZZILLI systems).

                                Why ? This is simply because in  MAJEURE SECURISEE, GAZZILLI  promises at least 14 HCP when it promises only 11 

                                HCP in other systems.

                  All other bids are 3-7 - HCP :

                  2     = 5+ . If ♠ shortage, no required quality.

                  2♠     = Definitely 2 cards in spades or seldom 1 spade without 4+clubs.

                  2NT  = 4+♣. Shortage in spades.

                  3♣    = 6+♣. He can also pass on 2♣!

                  3     = 6 .

                  3    = 6+ cards, near the game.



    2♠   = 6+♠-4 (5 ♠ solids) 14-17 HCP,  shortage, optionally not solid 6♠  18 HCP.

    2NT = ~ 19 HCP, maxi 2 . Often 5M-3-3-2 or 4 maxi 2 .

    3   = 5♠-4 (6 ♠ not very solid) , max 2 . 20-23 HCP. At least 20 HCP else we bid 2  first round.

      3♣  = 5♠-5♣ (6 ♠ not very solid) , max 2 . Not strong enough for direct jump.

     2NT = ~19 HCP. Often 5M-3-3-2 but there may be 4 clubs or 4 hearts in reserve but not 4 diamonds .

     3♣   = 5♠-5♣ (6 ♠ not very solid) . Not strong enough for direct jump.

     3♥   = 5♠-5 not strong enough for 3 but too good for 2 .


     3NT = 5 ♠ -4 , 21-23 HCP.



                2    = 7 +-10 HCP. All hands.

                2NT = 5+-5 minor. Shortage in heart 3-6 HCP.

                2♠   = 5+-4 minor. 3-6 HCP.

                3♣  = 6+♣. 3-6 HCP.

                3   = 6+ . 3-6 HCP.



    2NT = 5♠-3-3-2 or 5♠-4♣-2-2. 15 +-17 - HCP.

   3NT = 5♠-3-3-2 or 5♠-4♣ -2-2. 17 +-19 HCP.

   2    = * 3 hearts all hands, but the hand 5♠-4♣-3  is limited to 16 HCP.

              The responder with 5+ hearts may support to 3 or 4 or make a splinter.

              Otherwise he corrects to 2♠ except with a net preference for clubs (2NT = minimum 3 = max). On 2♠ the opener will bid 3

              with 15+-16 HCP.

               * 4 hearts 18-23 HCP.

   2♠ = 5+♠-4+♣. 14-16 HCP, maxi 2 hearts.

   3♣ = 5+♠-4+♣. 17-20 HCP, can have 3 hearts .

   3    = 5♠-4 (6 ♠ not very strong) . 20-23 HCP, denies three  hearts .

   3    = 5♠-5 not strong enough or concentrate for direct jump.



  • 5+-4 +♣  14-20 HCP
  •  spade raise  zone 2 (14-16 HCP) or zone 4 (without singleton or with less than 5 keys).
  •  5-3-3-2  15-19 HCP
  •  Too strong for 2x but not strong enough or structured for 2NT or 3x.


  2  = 5+-4+ ♣ . 14-16 HCP.

    2♠   = 3 spades 15 + HCP all hands, but the hand  5-4 ♣-3 ♠ is limited to 16 HCP .

                → 2NT = mini with 4 spades.

    2NT = 5-3-3-2 or  5-4 ♣-2-2. 15 + -17 - HCP.

    3♣ =   5+-4 +♣ . 17-20 HCP, can have 3 spades.

    3  = 5-4 (6 not very solid ) . 20-23 HCP denying 3 spades .

    3♠ = 4 spades 14-16 HCP.

    4m = Heavy SPLINTER zone 4. The hand is very strong but not beautiful enough for direct FRAGMENT-BID.

    4   =  4 spades 5-4-2-2, 21-23 HCP. Too strong for direct 4 which shows only 19-20 HCP.




 Faced with an elastic bid 11-17 HCP, it is crucial to have a gadget with   heart raise to zone hands.

                3♣  = 4th support max.

                3♥   = 4th or 5th support limited.

                4m  = SPLINTER. 5th suport at least, good hand.

                4♥   = 5th suport at least



To follow: 2♣ SAUVET