Indeed, in other sequences opener has already responded to the main problem of responder : namely, knowledge of major 5-3 fit and the zoning of the 4th fit. And after opening 1♦ when the opener rebids 1NT GAZZILLI he has then become the captain of the sequence.
The 2♣ RELAY is usually done with 5+♥ or 4♠ in a limited hand in sequence
However, in the sequence 2, as the opening is unbalanced natural it will often also with a weak hand and a preference to ♦ .
In the sequence 3, we can respond 1♠ with a good 5+ card suit and 3 cards support in heart in a hand of 8-11 HCP.
For example respond 1♠ with : ♠ AD9872 ♥ V54 ♦ R5 ♣ 105. Indeed, if opener rebids 1NT, it is possible thanks to the two way checkback to set the level of the contract while showing 5+ spades. If the opener rebids the two level, it shows 14+ HCP and you can bid the game.
One may wonder what to do with a limit long minor suit? For consistency, we make a direct jump to the 3 level after the response of 1♠ to show the hand as it is done in all other sequences of style 1m 1x
However, a weak hand with a long minor is relayed to 2 ♣.
Which gives :