DEAL 22 : 12/05/2017

Dealer : East        Vul : North-South

Should you open this  hand in first or second position vulnerable?

And do you open this hand? ♠ 652     ♥ A1065       ♦ KQJ5     ♣ Q3

These two hands have the same force estimated at 11.4 points  ( * Bridge Hand Evaluator).

So open these two hands even vulnerable.

But the most promising hand (by far) is the hand of the day.

In fact with that hand you will have a major fit in 60.3% of cases. By contrast, the opponents will have a major fit in 21.7% with the nasty surprise of trumps breaking 4-1.

* Statistics from



If you play the MAJEURE SECURISEE, you have when opening this hand great benefits. In 60% of cases your partner transfers for a major (because a balanced hand is always opened 1♣), you then raise at the 2-level  to show  12-13  DH. In 40% of cases your partner has no major, and bids 1NT with 10 + -11 HCP or 2NT with 12 HCP.

If the opponents intervene and  found a major contract, now the defensive value of your hand  will quickly materialize the number of tricks to defeat the contract.


And now the whole hand and the benefits of the MAJEURE SECURISEE .

1 ♠ = No major.

1NT = 11-14 HCP.

And now review all possible hands when responder responds 1♠ and opener rebids 1NT.

Pass = Up to 10 HCP, no 6th minor, no major shortage. Recall that with 10 +-11 HCP and without major NORTH responds 1NT in the first round, which

             allows not to venture 2NT with only 11 HCP.

2m  = minor two-suiter at least 5-4 limited to 9  HCP. Hand with a short major.

2M  = minor two-suiter, 3 cards fragment, so shortage in the other.

  The opener can then decide to play the 4-3 fit in the fragment.

2NT = 12 HCP with  no interest to receive the lead.

3♣   = minor two-suiter at least 5-5, 10-11 HCP.

3    = one-suiter 10-11 HCP.

There can not be unbalanced hands 12HCP which are transferred immediatly at the 2-level.

But there may be strong balanced hands with slam ambitions. They are announced now :

3M   = 4 -4 -3M-2 .

4m   = 5m-3-3-2.

xNT  = 4-3-3-3.


Conclusion : the reflexes you have in 3rd or 4th position to open weak with majors are very good in 1st and 2nd if you play the MAJEURE SECURISEE!

Personally I also open the hands of 10 HCP (not vul anyway)  with the two majors 4-4.

A final example of hand that will amaze you and corroborate what I recommend :
♠ AQ109 ♥ A1095 ♦ 543  ♣ 32       . How much do you assess the number of points of this hand?

12.5 pts (  ie 1 point higher than for the two preceding hands. Amazing, isn't it!

I personally evaluates 12 points, as when the hand is full of gains I tend  not to count all  of them. But anyway it is at least equal to the previous two hands.


Do not be afraid, bridge is a game where the more you open more you have fun. It is reported that Georgio BELLADONNA, celebrated Italian player of Blue Team, said that "the day when a system will allow me to open all hands then I would win every tournament." That means one who opens is favorite on one who passes. But of course, when you open with 1 0-11 H CP in first or second, it is important to have developed a system with "good brakes".



Deal?   Tournament       07.11.2017

Dealer: West           Vul: Nobody

The sequence begins in MAJEURE SECURISEE but it would be the same in STANDARD.

1   = 2+ cards.

1   = 4+ hearts.

1♠   = 4+ cards, does not deny 3  hearts.

2  = Two way checkback . Game forcing RELAY (in MAJEURE SECURISEE hand has no 6th suit since it would have been transferred at the 2-level 

          immediatly). On 2 opener describes.

2 = 3 cards.

2NT = RELAY semi-natural, of course forcing. No 5th suit except perhaps in hearts (with 5  hearts you can set the suit declaring 3 but the 2NT RELAY is more economical).

3  = 5+ cards  so a diamond shortage.

3 = Faced with a shortage the 3bid shows the ace of diamonds and ambitions.

3 = A big honor. With a bare honor in diamond, opener declares 3NT.

4 = This auction is not a final conclusion but shows the limits of the hand.

4♠ = The opener shows a nice hand with spade control. The responder questions and concludes.




Deal 8 : Regularity tournament  31/10/2017

Dealer: West           Vul: Nobody


A seemingly insignificant deal to remind how  MAJEURE SECURISEE   can stop at 1NT with 11 HCP in front of an opening.

1 ♣ = 2+ cards.

1   = 4+  hearts.

1   = 3-4  hearts .

1NT = 10+-11 HCP, 4 hearts, 4 spades possible. A weaker hand is relayed to 1♠ on which opener describes.


One of the two sequences in MAJEURE SECURISEE where we can play 1NT with 10+-11 HCP in front of the opening.

The other sequence is 1♣      1NT (10+-11 HCP without major). Again the response  with a weaker hand is 1♠ (no major).

Moreover, with ♠ K86 972 954 ♣ A1085 west will probably lead a club, what he probably would not do opposite a natural 1♣ opening.

You win 1NT but not 2NT.



Deal 15 :  "Roy René" 10.10.2017

Dealer :  South          Vul: North-South


A deal that would not be to the advantage of 2 MULTI ...

Not too much trouble to announce this slam after a classic weak two  opening .

3  = force. So the king.

4♥  = control. Probably a shortage but it would be significantly less well with the king (you are in danger at the 5-level) .

 5 = A key (30-41).


And now after the opening of a 2 MULTI.


In the MAJEURE SECURISEE there are only three responds for the weak two .

2NT = RELAY. Only three responses on the RELAY :

3♣ = weak 2

3 = weak 2♠ maxi.

3 = weak 2♠ mini.

3    = Weak 2♠ maximum . It is this level won over a conventional response system that will allow good prospect for the slam!

3   = RELAY with ambitions.

3♠   = A honor control in minor with a shortage above.  Otherwise you call 3NT without shortage or else bid the shortage.

4NT = North knows that the honor control is in diamond, and therefore the  shortage is in spade.



Deal :  "Roy René"       10.10.2017

Dealer : East        Vul : North-South


Another minor two-suiter but this time in the opener's hand.

the full diagram and the sequence in MAJEURE SECURISEE :


1♥   = 4+ ♠.

2   = Single-suiter 15-19 HCP  (20-22 HCP  open multi 2).

   or  minor two-suiter starting from 15 HCP.

2♥   = Relay  7+ HCP. With less repeat the major or bid 2NT = 4+ or bid 3♣.

2♠   = minor two-suiter 15-23 HCP (often with shortage).

3  = Not forcing. Here with that good 8 HCP , we could relay to 2NT game forcing.

3♠  = Heart shortage. 3 cards and more than 17 HCP or we would have answered 1♠ 1st Round

          or  doubleton in a non-minimum hand 6-4 -2 -1. In this sequence the opener bids his fragment because

          it would not be natural to say 3♠ with a shortage.

WEST concludes and 3NT contract is avoided because of the shortage in  opener's hand.


Notes : on 2 responder has two auctions for very weak hands 2NT (4+ ) and 3 ♣.

With 7+ HCP, he relays to 2 but he can still make an invitational bid at 3 or 3 when the opener responds 2 ♠.

With 9+ HCP, he relays to 2 and he rebids 2NT = GF or a fourth suit forcing.


Deal 20 :    10.03.2017

Dealer : West           Vul: ALL


In this tournament a multitude of openings with 11 HCP and TRANSFERS on 1 ♣ opening. Here's an example.

Note: when opening systematically all hands of  good 10 HCP  with a 6th suit or good 5-4-3-1 it's about 15% more hands that are open compared to the STANDARD.

But be careful to have the air brakes then ... In MAJEURE SECURISEE we look vulnerability anyway and the number of cards in majors but brakes are there!


You open that hand 11 HCP even vulnerable because you have both majors.

Your partner responds 2♣ TRANSFER you kindly rectify 2. Responder is either weak (6+ cards, max 8 HCP and without major of course), or game forcing  (unbalanced 6+ cards or minor two-suiter 5+-4+).


The responder's rebids are in TRANSFER too.








2,3 = TRANSFER two-suiter 6-4+.

2♠ = TRANSFER , 5+-4+♣. And on 2NT RELAY :

  3♣ = 5+-5♣

  3  = 6+-4♣

  3M = 5-4♣-3-1M.

  3NT= 5-4♣-2-2  ambitions. 16-17 HCP.

  As you can see it's now possible to know exactly the distribution, of the minor two-suiter.

RETRANSFER = One-suiter,  ♣ shortage or 6-3-2-2, 7-2-2-2 not suited for 2NT or 3NT.

3M = One-suiter +  M shortage.

2NT = 6-3-2-2 or 7-2-2-2 ambitions + interest to receive the lead.

3NT = 6-3-2-2 or 7-2-2-2 without ambitions and interest to receive the lead.

And now the whole hand and the sequence at the table.

 2 ♠ = minor two-suiter.

3♣ = 5+-5 .

3 = RELAY: it is important to know the shortage.

3NT = respondent does not reveal its shortage because he has a bare Ace or King.

Let's change a bit both hands.


3 = shortage. TOP-CARDS, a 9th fit and  no points lost in the shortage; all the ingredients are there for a

          slam with fewer points.

4♣ = fix the suit at last. Some use the auction as BLACKWOOD, it's fine if you do not need to know

         controls, but very inconvenient otherwise. Others will cue-bid and then  interrogate at 4NT but

 attention when you play a minor contract it is impossible to know the Queen of trump. 

 The solution : TURBO, we question the keys while the controls before reaching the 5-level.

4 = 2-4 keys (with 1-3 keys you begin cue-bid starting from 4 ).

4♠ = partner, I'm captain of the sequence, slam in view with spade control.

4NT = control (4NT shows control which can not be named as 4 shows 2-4 keys).

5♣ = I miss the Queen of trump. Reverse minor in East's hand and slam is not good.



Deal 23 :        22.09.2017

Dealer : South               Vul : ALL

Your partner opens 1♣. You respond 2♠ TRANSFER.

Opener rebids 3♣.

Remarks :

when you have a single-suiter in clubs, the 1 ♣ opening will be balanced in 95% of cases. If the opener rebids 3 he is balanced (11)2-14 HCP.

With a sixth suit without singleton you need 29 HCP for a slam.

With a 7th suit you need 27 HCP for a slam.

But you must upgrade the TOP-CARDS and devalue small  honors.


Before continuing let us analyze the different ways to bid the single-suiter in clubs (12+ HCP).

With a shortage you directly bids the shortage at the 3-level.

With 6-3-2-2 or 7-2-2-2 and limited hand (12-13 HCP) one bids 3NT with scattered honors or 1 followed by 3NT to play NT from the good hand (as you would do on 1NT opening with a weaker hand of course) . 

With a stronger hand one makes a TRANSFER, followed by 3NT = small ambitions, followed by 4 = 7-2-2-2 or 6-3-2-2 or 4NT = quantitative.

And now the whole hand:

4♣ = 7-2-2-2. The whole point of this auction is not to confuse shortage controls and honor controls to follow.

4 = facing a seventh suit, WEST hand is not minimum because he has 2 keys and no small honor.

5 = 2 keys without the Queen of trump . Reflecting one realizes that facing a seventh suit, a third club with king

.           worth the Queen of clubs. So you could respond 5 with ♣ Kx and 5 with ♣ Kxx.

5♠ = Can you bid grand slam: we have all the keys.

7NT = WEST visualizes 7 tricks in + 3 tricks in + 2 tricks in (to bid 4NT East has to control heart without shortage)  + 1 trick in  ♠.