After 2 passes you open this promising hand 1♥and your partner responds 1♠.
You make a SPLINTER 4♦, your partner shows the AS of
heart by making a cue-bid
4♥and you wisely conclude at
4♠.The opponent begins clover and made two
Let us now see both sets of your side and the sequence
A priori no problem in the auction.And yet ...
If the partner is lower, can no slam but by naming the singleton you showed the
weakness of your hand in the last remaining color.
Put Ace double tile and singleton♣ in hand EST.This time the slam is unstoppable.The strength of this new hand compared to the initial hand is that it has the first-round control in the last color.This is exactly the same with the ace of clover and dual
theMOST SECURE, there is a way to differentiate the two types of hands.
Direct-PIECE IDBshows a singleton + color opening of at least 3 and 5 honors key cards at least one of ARD color opening, the ARD was and AS of the residue (this is the case the
new hand).It is easy to declare the slam when the respondent has the two missing keys.
The GAZZILLI 2♣will
befollowed by a SPLINTER
4♦on positive response
2♦(7+ H).The respondent is then warned of the lack of keys or the poor quality of the main
The GAZZILLI 2♣will
befollowed by a conclusion about a negative response of respondent (max 6H).The
opponent will then be more difficult to find good start, finding the opener from an area of 4 hand with or without
Makes 16: 22.11.2016 Tournament
Dealer West Vul: East-West
How best to deal with these hands when you need to open
1♠ (you do not have 2 strong in your
The problem arises here with 20 H, but would arise anyway with 2 points less because you'd then have to open
On the 1NT response you have not satisfactorily asks playing
3♠ is impossible with such a hollow color.The auction is also limited to 18
2NT shows 18-19 H is a least bad choice.But the 6th spades gives added
value to the hand that is not indicated here.Moreover a weak partner with 5 hearts will be a difficult decision.It should be remembered that on 2NT, auctions of
3♥are not forcing, while
3♠ is forcing with 5 cards
Now let the
sequenceMOST SECURE:
=Too hard to 2x but not strong enough or structured to 2NT or 3x.
3♦= max 6H, 6+ cards with a short in
3NT = In pairs can pass.General misfit must urge
Let's look at other possible sequences by slightly changing either
This time NORD must pass.
2♠ =
max 6 H, 2 H 4-6 card or 3 cards 3-5
You see that the knowledge of two spades cards used to declare the
With one point less North should be content with
2♦= 7-10
2♥= 3-4
2♥= max 6H, 5+ cards, no quality required with a short in
2NT = 19-20 H or 18 H
3♦= 5 +
3NT = on behalf of 20 M and two large tile to
NORTH hand can not be well treated STANDARD because it must immediately show its strength by making a
2♣GAZZILLI forcing rightly all the qualities to deal with these hands.But the
notsimply a
2♣strong indeterminate having
already shown the
This allows the respondent to answer
2♦with 7+ H. asks
beforcing inning unless the opener is in the zone 14-16 H, natural 5M-4
+♣ or 5M-3-3- 15 + 2 H. -16 any other response is limited to 6H,
the opener this time will explore the inning with a set of 2
Give 27: 11.11.2016 Tournament
Donor South Vul: Nobody
Sequence STANDARD:
3♠ =
SPLINTER.The response of
2♣ (questionable STANDARD) showing 10+ H, the SPLINTER may start from 15H well
4♦= complementary
5♣= 4-1
5♥= grand slam in sight, LADY trump or
supernumerary welcome asset.
5 is visualized lifted clovers +5 tile lifted (if the opener has 5 cards) 2As and
a cup = 13 tricks to clover.
But in the East tile asset sees only 12 raised: there is no short cut to the
Conclusion: if WEST 5 tile cards, report the grand slam in clover.But if WEST tile has only 4 cards, he must be content with 6 clovers.
Caution: SPLINTER of the opener, unlike direct SPLINTER respondent, to promise
a bicolor at least 5-4 concentrated.
2♣= natural 11+ H or made♦10+ H.
2♠ =
short, 14+ H.
2NT =
3♣= 5+♦-4+♣.With 4-4-4-1 is
answered 3NT (14-17 M) or 4m (18 + H).
3♦= RELAY.
4♣= 5-4-3-1 exactly, 17+
4NT = 3 keys with the
5♣ = trump
5♥ = Yes, with the heart of
3♦theopener extends its clovers (5 + -5) by bid 3♥,
it lengthens its tiles (6-4
+)by bid 3♠,
nothing to lengthen (5-4-3-1) by bid 3NT with 5-4-3-1 and 4m too strong for
Give 21: 27.09.2016 Tournament
Vul donor North: North-South
What are you doing in this?
You can only reapply 4♥!Indeed if you ask again
3♥you will be forcedto pass
on 3NT asks for the
4♥then shows a hand with some ambitions.And 3NT contract, good luck to your partner because you bring him no
help and no
In fact, no question to pass
3♣(only correct if the partner is 5-5 minor
short♥) because the auction is 100% forcing (the opener can be made Fitte with a fourth and a really big game)
And now the 4 games and
sequenceMOST SECURE:
1♦ = 4+ cards, irregular.
1NT = GAZZILLI.H 14+, too strong for
1♠,2♣ and 2♦but not strong enough or structured FM
2♥= max 6H, 6 cards or 5 cards and related to a
Note: with 6-7 H and a sixth solid color and
bonded or seventh correct one makes a jump to 3♥.From 7 H 2 ♣ is answered on the GAZZILLI.
Let the various requested again what can NORD on the response of
2♥after a
Of course with 2+ NORTH heart cards had expressed to the necessary
If NORD Announces 3♣ 5-5 it shows ashort♥18-19 H, somewhat low for a direct jump to the bearing 3 in the 1st round.
If North ad 2♠
hand it shows a
5+♦-4♠ 18 -20 + H too much for
1♠ but not enough to handle a forcing jump in the 1st
If NORD Announces
3♦it shows a single-colored solid 6th tile unstamped with 8-raising
game(hand Example 6-4 equates to a color).With a single-colored tile limited NORD
must pass.
If NORD ad 2NT, it shows a hand like
(6♦non-solid) 19-20
There is no photo.Bid a strong hand by forcing bid of 1NT GAZZILLI is much
higher than the bid of
3♣ forcing the standard.The great strength of
GAZZILLI is to create a situation forcing the most economical bid.
This allows to identify immediately the weak hands of the partner and then
express the great potential strength through the most appropriate auction.
Give 13: 06.03.2016 Tournament
Donor North Vul: All
Is your partner opens 1♦, you answer 1♠, and IS is a reverse 2♥.What is your wanting
You can ask again
2♠ is forcing, but if is only 16 H, where are
You can ask again 2NT brake application, but you may play
3♦by 5-1.
Now look at the
1♦ = 4+ cards, irregular.
1NT = GAZZILLI.H 14+, too strong for
2♣ and 2♦but not strong enough or structured FM
2♠ = max 6H, 6 cards or 5 cards and related to a
2NT = 19-20 H. short
The two colors 5th correct allow you to conclude
Note: Do not be afraid to stuff a
fitness♥in this sequence.Indeed, by its West denies bid
1♠, 4+ cards heart in a weak
Interclub D1A: Final League in AMIENS
You do not satisfactorily asks for bid 3 ♣ is not forcing.
It is not putting 3NT directly or 4th forcing 3♦you are going to solve the
A first remark for those who use direct auction of
3♣ and 3♦to show a major
Such a waste!First you monopolize 2 helpful necessarily natural
auction.Then you can undergo a cons of starts.
A second note to those who play thedirect auction of 3♣ and 3♦STANDARD to show a powerful one color at least 15 H. Good, but these are very rare
The solution: use direct auction of 3 minor hand a dozen points.These are
hands where in STANDARD you intended to answer two Minor then repeat the color to tier 3.
If you are smaller, you respond 1NT and you name your color
If you are stronger (ie FM), you answer 2 in the minor that you repeat the bearing
Two examples of hands where BESSIS-VOLCKER have used this approach to the world championships in
On 1♠ opening BESSIS his partner responded 3♦ :
once with:♠ A6 ♥
V8 ♦
AV10842 ♣ 642
the other time with:♠ Vxx ♥ x
RDVxxxxx ♣ x
And now the complete diagram and the sequence byusing this approach:
3♣ = 6+ cards.Forcing.
3♦= application
4♣ = Too many top-cards to switch to
4♠ = additional honor.
4NT = to query the clover asset must have at least 3
5♦= 4 or one key (old standard).
6NT = conclusion without knowing
the trump LADY.
And now the
2♦= not least, nothing to do with the tiles.
3NT = as we know that the opener is not a minimum bid of 3NT is
4♣ = TURBO.
4♠ = a + a complementary key
4NT = missing elements to conclude the asset DAME and tile
At both tablesslam was stuffed.With my partner we did not play the asks to
forcing.2♦so I responded2♥and asks the
3♥I concluded to
Makes 5: 03.15.2016 Tournament
Donor IS Vul: NS
Your partner in SOUTH opens 2♦MULTI.
You answer 2♥ (if you had a singleton
spade you would have responded 2♠)
and 2NT asks opener.How do you see the
If the opener is 22-23 H you plan slam and you can exceed the level of 3NT.By cons, if the opener is 20-21 H is dangerous to pass
What then is the way to explore the best deal without exceeding
What does the bid
3♦on 2NT?Maybe not a TEXAS with 5+ cards
heart for bid 2♥denies 5 cards
heart.Indeed with 5
cards heartwithout 4 spades cards are answered
2♠ and
5♥-4♠ 3 is
answered♦directly and with
5♥-5♠ is answered
3♠ (see
agreement 2♦MULTI).Use bid
3♦to show a
singletonheart and 3-4 spades cards.
If the opener asks 3NT because it stops many hearts, you can then restart with
sufficient force to exceed the level of 3NT.
If you answered
2♠ with spades singleton, developments are even more
Indeed, with 4 cards
atheart you make a STAYMAN.The opener has only two possible answers:
3♦and 3♥.It does not answer
3♠ because you can not have pikes answering
With 5
cardsheartyou make a TEXAS.In the area 20-21 H opener must rectify except maximum and Fitte by 4
So you see, you can then reapply 3♠ after STAYMAN or TEXAS or directly to show that short in
The complete
3♦= short
to heart with 3-4 cardsspades.
3♥= Did you 4
4♦= No, but ambitions with 5 solid cards or 6
Other answers 3♥:
3♠ = 4 + cards
4♠ = 4 cards, stop.
3NT = 3 cards without
4m = 5 correct cards or cards with 6
4♥ = minor bicolor 5-4 with a 5th poor and
Note: hand SOUTH be open from 2 multi or 2NT after you play.After opening a 2 multi you have the weapons to bid this kind of hands.By opening 2NT you will not have
the technical means to bid this kind of hands.That is why we must open up multi 2 in the mini area and 2NT in the maximum area for the mini
three area is more common than the maximum area.Based on what I have to say that hand should be open 2NT.But here I open 2♦multi (22-23 H) to show that this opening you have the technical weapons to bid good hands with major
The full chart: I'll let you find the best game plan to win the slam because the assets are
Training Monday 14/03/2016
How to bid hand when NORTH SOUTH opens 2♥FANTUNES.
Let's look at two possible sequences, one
where one decides to jump to 3♠ to show 6+ forcing
handle cards, the other when we begin to relay 2♠.
On the auction of 3♠, SOUTH redemanderait 3NT with spade singleton,
4♠ with a picnic or doubleton 6-3♠-2-2 minimum, but here he makes an early cue-bid.
After the cue-bid 4♦and
4♥,NORTH merely 4♠.Indeed we must find the DAME of
Spades, AS and ROI heart and another in AS SOUTH making 13 H. If SOUTH these cards out he will raise.Or SOUTH knows that her partner has
a tile control, which is not good news in front of the dry AS.So it must pass
In this sequence, bid 3♠ rather shows 5 cards and
If asked for more SOUTH 3NT, we conclude to
The auction of
4♣ shows made picnic and short♦.The sequence continues as before and for the same reasons SOUTH must pass
Notes:heart LADY seems to be a nice card NORTHERN but absolutely must have AS SOUTH heart and ROI for the
Makes 24: ROY RENÉ of 03.08.2016
WEST donor Vul: Nobody
Sequence is given inMAJOR SECURE:
1♥ =
1♠ =4th was 14-18 DH or third gave
limited to 20
2♣ = Roudi.
3♥ = 19-20 with DH 6-3-3-1♦.In this area the opener has not 4 cards
at heart, he would have a reverse (page 23 of the book).This slam sequence must be precise: the opener appoints
3♦with 5+♣ -4♦-3♠, if he appoints
3♠with6+♣-3♦-3♠ 3NT otherwise without residue: 6-3♠-2-2.
4♣ =
4♥ = 3 (5) controls, hence the conclusion.
Note: It may seem unwise to take a leap with a shaky clover color.But if you
decide to bid the hand of WEST otherwise you will overshadow the 6th clover and lie on the lengths of the other colors.When you
answer3♥to show19-20 DH with 6-3-3-1♦, your partner has a very clear idea of your hand.Let the exercise of
judgment, he will know better than you, find the optimal contract.
Makes 5: 02.16.2016 Tournament
NORTH donor Vul: NS
Sequence is given inMAJOR SECURE (without play 2 MAJOR FANTUNES):
2 ♣ = Let SAUVET 11+ Natural H. Let made mostly 3rd, from 9
2♠ = 12-13 DH.
?WEST = must order a sleeve?
It seems difficult not to declare
the round.And yet ...
Even with this beautiful tile
singleton, the sleeve is only 50% because it is essential to find the heart of Jack.
With the same cards without
singleton diamond sleeve is ... 0%.
This is only a hand
evaluation.What is the labor WEST?
A classic account brings to 14
In this hand spades Compact should
not be counted.Indeed, if the partner has the LADY, the VALET not and if he does not play the DAME you play spades head and VALET will not be of
any help.If the 8th fit, VALET, ten and 9 of asset must be valued, but not if made longer.
Both LADIES annexes must also be
devalued in a color to contract.
What brings you to 12
DH *, say 13 * DH valuing the sequenceheart.That makes 25-26 DH in the line, which is insufficient for a handle
In conclusion
When we do not
play the 2 MAJOR FANTUNES, it is not known if the opener has a singleton or 6th spades, so it is normal to declare the round.
When playing the 2
MAJOR FANTUNES we know that the opener has 12-13 DH with 5♠-3-3-2 or 5♠-4m-2-2, we can pass on 2♠.
I do not know
aplayercapable of passing the hand WEST 2♠, which is normal when you do not play the
2♣SAUVET.His ego
would takea big hit if the race won!How much you spend
with the game!What what you need to declare the race etc ...
Makes 5: 02.12.2016 Tournament
NORTH donor Vul: NS
Sequence is given in SECURE MAJOR:
1 ♣ = 2+ cards, regular 12-14 or 18-20 H-H or irregular
1♦ =4+♥.
1♥ =4th was 14-18 DH or third gave
limited to 20
=10+-11H.(10+H through AD97 spades).
2♦ =13+-14
Notes: On 1 NT
shows10+-11 H, requested again from the south are natural and clear without exceeding the level
2♣ = 11-13-H, with irregular 5+♣ -3♥.
3♣ = 6 cards, encouraging.
2♥=said fourth 14 DH.
2NT = 13 H
2♦ = 13+-14
3♦ = 15-17 H,5+♣-3♥-short♠.
3♥=was 4th round
2♠ 14-17 = H, 6♣-3♥-3♠ (when one has three
hearts, no 4 spades).
The sequence
NORTH raise to 2NT but if
her partner is limited to 11-12 H is perhaps too high.Let's look at what happens with other hands NORTH who does not know if her partner
has 3 cards to heart:
NORTH if 5 cards heart and
less than 10 H, it must pass even with singleton♣.
If NORD 3 clover cards and 9-10 H must raise to 3♣, neglecting the potential was 5-3 at heart, yet perhaps too
Give 23: 15.01.2016 Tournament
SOUTH donor Vul: ALL
Sequence is given in SECURE MAJOR:
1♣ = 2+ cards, regular 12-14 or 18-20 H-H or irregular
2♣ = TEXAS.6+♦low or FM (5♦feasibleonly withtheminor
2♠ = minor Bicolor.
2NT =
3♣ = Bicolor at least 5-5.
sets the asset.
4♥=baffle♥, so
6♦-5♣-2-0.With5♦-5♣-3 to 0 is initially
appoint the residue and then the baffle.
4♠ = check (it lacks top cards in
minor to query).
5♣ = North can not
ask because it lacks the top cards in♣.
5♦really not much = minor in something although doubleton♣and 4 are interesting assets.
Notes: after the response 2♦two-tone hands announce the second color also TEXAS.This will show the bid of 2♠ minor bicolor, allowing RELAY after a 2NT to know the bicolor
5-5 (3♣)or 6-4
(3♦)or 5-4-3-1
(the residue) or 5-4-2-2 (3NT or 4♣ if too strong for 3NT).
Always on the response of2♦, 2♥show a bicolour
6♦-4+♠,3♣ a
bicolour6♦-4+♥, 2NT or 3NT show one color without
short, while 3♦(short♣)3♥and
3♠ show a single color with the
If you bid this hand
STANDARD, the sequence begins with 1♦ 2♣ 2NT
compared withgives
01/09/2015where strictly identical with a sequence beginning the hand of the
respondent was:
♠ A43
♥R72 ♦ARV1076 ♣8.
Two hands totally different and yet the beginning of a sequence identical: difficult to navigate
In STANDARD: your partner opens 1♣ (or 1♦),replying
1♥,and the opener asks
You can only reapply 2♥and remains there.
In MOST SECURE: Your partner opens 1♣, you answer 1♦(4+♥)and the opener asks 1♥.He shows a fourth was 14-18 DH or third was limited to 20 DH.
What are you doing ?
Évaluons different hands:
A106532 ♦ 62 ♣ 85: 6 H + 2D to the sixth color DH = 9
♥ A106532 ♦ 632 ♣ 8: based on the number of points lost in the singleton hand worth 9 to 11
♥ A106532 ♦ 62 ♣ 8: IDEM but with a losing less ...!
With hands No. 1 and 2 be answered 2♦in the first round to show a limited one color to
With hand No. 3 (the hand of the day) we are forced to respond
1♦in the first round because of the
And now you
need to make a round effort by using thesmall Roudi1♠.As the partner is Fitte just have TOP CARDS and (or) honors
in♠to have a very good handle.If the opener responds 1NT on the small
Roudi, you can reapply wisely 2♥,but FOUR you can
reapply3♥shows 6 cards and almost surely pique 4
Why say this type of hand?
Because with 5 cards we simply reapply 2♥(10-11 DH)or we would have made a Roudi 2♣ (12-13DH).
With 6 cards and 9-10 H would have also made
aRoudito 2♣.Bid 3♥can not come from a 6-4.It
would be surprising in the opposing silence this is not 4 cards in♠.Anyway with 6♥low -4m it is best to make a direct TEXAS 2♦to precisely steer
The knowledge was at least third and a bearing in some cases allows
much finer analysis and safe as in the STANDARD.
The previous hand is the hand of NORD (slightly modified) gives the
Makes 18: René Roy of 01.12.2016
Sequence to the table inMAJORSECURE:
1♣ = 2+ cards.Natural or regular 12-14 or 18-2 H0-H.
4+♥.The hand can only have 6 cards in Zone H 9-11 or so with
1♥=4th was 14-18 DH or third gave limited to 20
2♣ = Intervention somewhat
belated WEST ...
3♥?At this stage a NORTH
AGAINST show at least 10 M, only 4
cards♥and at least two
2♥is not forcing with 5+cards.
The auction of
3♣ would show a desire to play a game or a slam with 5+ cards♥(equivalent to Roudi).
Why bid
3♥?For the same reasons as
in the previous analysis that should show
major limited to 7-8 H. SOUTH must now judge the final
Makes 16: 05.01.2016 Tournament
The sequenceMAJOR SECURE:
2♣ =GAZZILLI.It is too hard to reach 4♠ would show a 5-4-2-2 about 20
2♥=low FITTE not less than 7 H.
4♣ = Fit♠ course,very strong.A 5-4-2-221-23 H or SPLINTER BIG with a lack of honor in the bicolor.
WEST is a 5th Spades (4 cards with the slam would be worst) and heart AS
understands the message and shows his heart ace.
Querying routine and conclusion.
Note: If you open a handle 2 forcing, slam is
stated quite easily.
This has the merit of simplicity but the opening is
Give 25: 22.12.2015 Tournament
NORTH donor Vul:
The sequence STANDARD:
2♠ = strong color at least 6th.Strong play.
3♥=Control.With King of third tile should provide the fit.
4♣ = Control.With double Spades King should give the fit and with a
lower offer 3NT hand.
4♦= complementary Hon second.
4♠ = Large dry honor.
At this stage
it seems that6NT is the best deal: one of the two main colors may win but be careful to play the hand
5♦= Denies the clover AS and confirms the great honor♦.Is chooses the
The sequence SECURE
1♠ = No way to jump to2♠would show6♠
1NT =GAZZILLI(too strong for 1 ♠ 2 ♣ and 2♦but not strong enough or
structured for auction FM).One could also make a jump to 3♦but
dry honors in major are questionable values.
2♣ =7+ H.3rd forcing.Monitoring 2NT = FM.
minimum.H 15-16 (made without 3rd)
2♠ = 6+ cards (at this stage would be a 2NT FM relay
without natural bid).
3♦= 7 cards
probable or we appoint a force or 2NT or did at ♠.
4♠ = 1 or 3 keys.Big honor Dry♠.
4NT = control♥.
5♣ = control♣.
Notes:to bid these hands whether MAJOR MAJOR STANDARD orSECURE it takes a lot of sophistication to achieve
the best contract.InMOSTSECURE not jump to the strong hands of the respondent, it helps to have all the space to structure both hands.Thus it is possible, after obtaining the maximum information, question to the bearing
4♦by TURBO.
: 15.12.2015 Tournament
ALL NORTH donor Vul
The sequence is given in MOST SECURE but it deserves some
Of course with the hand of IS must respond to the opening of more than MOST SECURE
opening 1 mainly holds up to 23 H.
At least 14 H 5 + H-4 + H ♣ 14-20
or said fourth ♠ 14-16 Hor
zone 4 (5 H 21-23♥-4♠-2-2).
At least 15+ H: 5-3-3-2 + 15 -19
M (3-3-2 with 5M-15 H sometimes opens 1NT).
Too hard to 2x but not strong
enough or structured to 2NT or 3x.
The hand of WEST
is very pure it can also make a forcing jump to 3♣.
Any asks TSE other
than 2♦shows a weak hand limited to 6H.What should he ask again
seems natural to reapply 2♥.But it's now or never present your pikes.If the partner has 2 or 3 spades
2♠ need to reapply.And even with a
singleton♠ it is not said that the contract of
2♠ will be as good as 2♥.The
advantageMOST SECURE is that the bid of 2♠ is limited to 6 H, the opener must be hard to
Result gives:4♠
3.Is there was no tile begins and the asset ROI was placed
Give 7: 12.01.2015 Tournament
SOUTH ALL donor Vul
A cut and paste ofgives 23of 24.11.2015
How to find this excellent 6♦.It is the knowledge of the 7th tile which is the key shot.Now MOST
SECURE makes this distinction.Threedirections for single-colored tiles
1♦monitoring1NT GAZZILLIfor
single-colored 6th 15-19 H.
1♦followed by 3♦(or 3NT if freed and Annexes stops)to the seventh single-colored limited to 15-17 H.
2♦multi monitoring3♦(or3NT if afcrossed and related stoppages)for the 6th or 7th single-colored 20-22 H 18-20
3♦= 7 cards~ 4 losers.Type ACOL.
3♠ = Strength
One can also
ask to be concluded.Do not think because 6NT color♦seems not freed.
Give 23: 24.11.2015 Tournament
SOUTH ALL donor Vul
How to find this excellent 6♣.It is the
knowledge of the 7th clover that is the key shot.Now MOST SECURE makes this distinction.Three
directions for single-colored powerful clubs:
1♣ monitoring 2♦ for unicoloured sixth 15-19 H (without major third made in the area 15-17 H).
1♣followed by 3♣ (or 3NT if freed and Annexes stops) to the seventh single-colored limited to 15-17 H.
2♦multi monitoring3♣
(or 3NT if freed and annexes stops) to the 6th or 7th single-colored 20-22 H 18-20 H