SPLINTER 4-5 support
Here are two very similar hands to show the difference between a SPLINTER with 4 and 5 cards support.
Opener Responder opener Responder
♠ A9543 ♠ R876 ♠ A9543 ♠ R876 2
♥ RDV ♥ 8432 ♥ RDV ♥ 8432
♦ V654 ♦ A ♦ V654 ♦ A
♣ A ♣ D1052 ♣ A ♣ D105
SLAM is very bad : you need trumps Slam is very good : only an immediate ruff or trumps break 3-0.
break 2-2, diamonds 4-4 an no
uppercut in the end.
With SPLINTER 4 cards support : one or two ruffs are insured but not the third.
The Queen of trump is a key card and jack can play.
With a SPLINTER 5 cards support : asset after playing three cuts are ensured.
The Quen and the Jack of trumps are not useful for the announcement of the slam.
These examples show the little-known differences between the SPLINTER with 4 and 5 cards support.
It is therefore desirable to distinguish the two types of hands.
Note: The hand is not a pure SPLINTER because it has a bare ACE; this does not compromise the analysis.
The frame of the system on the opening of one in a MAJOR:
3 cards support of at least 9 DH is answered 2♣ and 4 cards support of at least 9 DH is answered 2NT.
The system is not constrained, you can respond 2♣ with a fourth card support (eg 4-3-3-3 or scattered values
in other suits or a defensive hand ...)
4 cards support with a singleton limited to 11 HCP is
answered 2NT.
5 cards support with singleton or void is answered by a SPLINTER(double jump including 3NT).
SPLINTERS of 12+H is answered 2♣ and then jumped.
2M = 6-8 DH . 3 cards support.
3M = 5-8 S . 4 card support (not 4-3-3-3)
2 ♣ = Either Natural
or 9+ DH . 3 card support but from 12HCP can have a longer support or SPLINTER.
2 ♦ = Classic but with 5+ cards.
2NT = 9+ DH , limited to 11 H. 4 cards support (not 4-3-3-3)
3NT = SPLINTER, 5+ cards support limited to 11 HCP with a
shortage in spades (heart fit) or A-K singleton(spade fit)
4 responses available to a SPLINTER with 5 cards support :
heart trump : 3 ♠ (bare high honor to be determined), 3NT, 4 ♣ 4 ♦ . (3NT = short spades)
spade trump : 3NT ( bare high honor to be determined), 4 ♣, 4 ♦ , 4 ♥ .