The 2♣ SAUVET, convention I played for 30 years, has been tested time and again in competitions of all kinds.

It is of frequent use and when used it is often a problem that will not be solved in STANDARD.

It helps to stop the two level  with invitational hands (usually semi balanced, which diminishes the opposing interventions and wake-up, and helps to better judge the level of the final contract).

No hands descriptions  without ambitions (only RELAYS can be doubled).

In this regard, it is important to point to the opponents the bivalence  of  the 2 ♣ bid as many pairs do not know what doubling 2 ♣ means  : PENALTY  in colour or TAKE OUT ?)

Even if there is no support, the immediate knowledge of the strength of the opening solve many problems easily.


Before deciding to incorporate the two major FANTUNES in the system, there was a small weakness in the convention : when the opener is minimum, he rebids two in his major  but could have a six card major and (or) a singleton which changed the perception of his hand when you have the support. Now with the opening of 2M FANTUNES and use of the 2NT raise with  4 cards, the 2♣ SAUVET can play 2M or 4M in complete serenity : no missed game and no contract to the 3-level.


And before exploring the 2♣ SAUVET, discover the other responds after the opening of one in a MAJOR.


The frame of the system on the opening of one in a MAJOR:

3 cards support of at least 9 DH is answered 2 and 4 cards support of at least 9 DH is answered 2NT.

The system is not constrained, you can respond 2♣ with a 4 cards support (eg 4-3-3-3 or scattered values

in other suits or a defensive hand ...)

4 cards support with a singleton limited to 11 HCP is answered 2NT.

5 cards support with shortage or void is answered by a SPLINTER(double jump including 3NT).

SPLINTERS of 12+H is answered 2♣ and then jumped.


2M = 6-8 DH . 3 cards support.

3M = 5-8 S . 4 cards support (not 4-3-3-3)

2♣ = Either Natural STANDARD.

         or  9+ DH . 3 cards support but starting from 12 HCP can have a longer support or SPLINTER.

2   = Classic(not GF) but with 5+ cards.

2NT = 9+ DH , limited to 11 HCP. 4 cards support (not 4-3-3-3)

3NT = SPLINTER, 5+ cards support limited to 11 HCP with a shortage in spades (heart fit) or A-K singleton(spade fit)

Double jump = SPLINTER 5+ cards support. Limited to 11 HCP.


2 ♣ SAUVET = Either STANDARD 11+ HCP, 3+ (4-4-3♣-2♠ possible).

                                 Or 9+ DH, 3 cards support but starting from 12HCP can have

                                 a longer support or SPLINTER.

2         = GAME? (13+-17 H). Nothing to do with .

                  → 2M = 9-11 - DH 3 cards support.

                  → 4M = 11 + -14 DH 3 cards support.

                  → 3M = FORCING 4-3-3-3, choice with 3NT that will be played in the right hand (      
                                 doubleton hand).

                  → 3NT = singleton in the major, single-suited ♣.

                  → 2NT = semi-natural RELAY. GF. 2 cards in the major.

                                   or 3+ cards support too strong for a conclusion.

                  → suit = Natural, forcing (stopper problem or shortage in the major).

                  → jump = SPLINTER, 12+ HCP. Hand is not limited.


 2 (after 1♠) = Natural but minimum.


 2M = Mini, often balanced 11-13 - HCP. Beware to eventually upgrade if unbalanced hand.


           When we play the 2M FANTUNES openings this problem can only arise with 5+-4 ♠.


                   → Pass = up to 12 HCP!, can be done with 2 cards.


                   → 3M = FORCING.


 2NT = 17-19 HCP . With exactly15(16) HCP one answers 2 and we can stop before the game if the


             partner is just 9 DH.


 Other     = SLAM? Strong hand (3rd-4th zone) or based on playing tricks.





6-11 HCP, 4 cards support (no 4-3-3-3). At least 9 DH. You can not play 3NT.

In 10-11 HCP range, denies an other 5th good suit  but may have a SPLINTER 4 cards support.

3M = 11-13- HCP semi-balanced. See above remarks after 1M 2 ♣ 2M.


3   = GAME? (max 16 HCP and probably without shortage). Responder claims 3 or 4M or makes a

SPLINTER : 4 cards support with at least two keys. When you make a SPLINTER with 4 responses available :

heart fit : 3 ♠ (bare high honor to be determined) , 3NT, 4 4 .     (3NT = shortage in spades)

spade fit : 3NT (bare high honor to be determined), 4 , 4 , 4 .


3♣ = SLAM?

          3         = 9-11 without singleton. → 3M = Is your doubleton controlled?  

One or two responses to announce a controlled doubleton:

heart fit: 3 ♠, 3NT.       3 ♠ = other doubleton           3NT = doubleton ♠.

spade fit : 3NT.             4 ♣ = where? 4 ♠ = doubleton ♣.

          otherwise: 4x = control in 3 or 4 cards and a doubleton uncontrolled.

3M = 6-8 HCP with a control. 3NT asks prospective singleton.

          4M = 6-8 HCP without control.

          Other = 9-11 HCP. SPLINTER with 4 cards support (see above)


3♠, 3NT = Game Hand with a shortage.   The slam is possible only if the responder is maximum

 with no points lost in the shortage . But it will also not rely on Jacks and have a useful doubleton or singleton. One or two responses to announce the shortage (as above).

heart fit : 3 ♠, 3NT.       3 ♠ = other shortage          3NT = ♠ shortage.

spade fit: 3NT.              4 ♣ = where?    ....     4 ♠ = doubleton ♣.


3, 4m = two-suiter based on playing tricks.

       A slammish two-suiter 5+ -4   will be processed by 3 = slam, followed by 3 .


 To remember :

3 ♠ does not show a spades shotage, 3NT is showing spades shortage.

However when you make a SPLINTER four responses, 3♠ shows a big honor that can be bare in spades.





Interference over 2NT:

DOUBLE = optional, PASS = minimum or punitive. 3M = Game interest.



The openings of two major FANTUNES show 10-13 HCP with a major at least fifth without 4 cards in the other major (5M-4+ m with singleton or 6+ major). In this context, the opening of 1M can only be minimum as semi-balanced (5-3-3-2, 5-4m-2-2) or with the other major.

In sequence 1♠    2♣SAUVET     2♠ : opener is minimum 11-13 - HCP, he is necessarily 5♠-3-3-2 or

5♠-4m-2-2 otherwise he opens 2♠ FANTUNES or he rebids 2 on 2.

In sequence 1    2♣SAUVET     2: opener is minimum 11-13 - HCP, he is 5-3-3-2 or 5-4m-2-2 but he can be 5+-4 ♠.

When you play whole FANTUNES system, opener of 1M can only be minimum with the two majors.


A suivre : examples