The response of 2 ♣ on the opening of a major is misused in the STANDARD. Indeed, in the sequence 1M   2 ♣, the 2M rebid is very inaccurate: no notion of length, structure and strength. We only know that there is no economic suit to bid.


Why not use the  2♣ bid as a RELAY that asks opener to show its strength.

This time, all the answers from the opener will be detailed and useful.

If the opener precise its strength, it is interesting to put in the 2♣ bid all hands with 3 cards support  9+ HD.

Why 3 cards : because with a 4 cards support it pays to be more aggressive and go through 2NT raise.

Why at least 9 HD :  because below we raise directly to 2 level and the response system on 2♣ will allow to zone both hands and never venturing to the 3 level. Also be aware that in highly competitive bridge, developments  systems in case of major support reveal the distributions hand only when slammish. No unnecessary descriptions if that might help the opponents.

Better a poor game without a proper description inning with descriptions hands.

The solution: 2♣ SAUVET