1♦ = 5+♦ unbalanced 11-23 HCP. 2 exceptions: 4-4-4-1, 5♦-3-3-2 (17 -19 + HCP)
If 5♦-4 ♥-2-2 or 5♦-4 ♣-2-2 little concentrated open 1 ♣ or 1NT.
You may want to use the 1 NT rebid as natural:
1. to tell the partner that you are minimum with a singleton in his major (5-4-3-1 or 4-4-4-1).
But then if you play x NT this is the wrong hand!
Statistically it is 0.8 trick less when playing for the hand of a singleton especially after we have said this singleton.
So forget ...
2. to tell the partner that you are minimum with poor 5♦-4-2-2.
If you have 4♠ the problem does not arise since you bid 1♠ or give the ♠ raise.
If 4♥ or 4♣ it was best to open 1♣ or 1NT.
3. to tell the partner that you are minimum 6-3-2-2 with a bad suit.
Little interest because if you have not the strength to
play 3 NT it is often best to play ♦.
4. to tell the partner that you are balanced 12-14 HCP. Awake! playing MAJEURE SECURISEE you had to open 1 ♣ ...
Conclusion: when you open an unbalanced 1 ♦ it is of little use and even dangerous to rebid 1 NT with these hands.
In MAJEURE SECURISEE 1NT is GAZZILLI . With the rebid of 2♣ showing 7+ HCP, everything is in place for precise and secure developments.
How to bid the weak major 5♠-4 +♥ on the opening of 1 minor.
If you play standard, 1♣ opening is balanced 55 times out of 100 and the opening of 1 ♦ is balanced 40
times out of 100. If you bid 1♠ and opener rebids 1NT, you have no problem to present hearts while announcing a weak hand.
If opener opens 1♣ and rebids 2♣, you rebid 2♥ which is not forcing. Rebid 2 ♦ (third forcing) with stronger hands.
If opener opens 1♦ and rebids 2♣ or 2♦, there is a big risk to present the hearts because the rebid is forcing.
If you want to monopolize responds at the two level to announce these
weak 5♠-4 +♥ , you see that this will be in vain unless opener opens 1♦ and rebids 2♣ or 2♦.
Now, if you play 1 ♦ natural unbalanced , you see that this time responds at the
2-level to announce these weak 5♠-4
+♥ are always
Let's explore these responds ...