A small digression on 1 FANTUNES opening  played by FANTONI-NUNES. It is  14+ HCP, natural unbalanced.

* It is the most effective bid of their system . Why? 

There is no doubt that this is because it is natural and unbalanced , while in most other systems it is not.



 About the sequence :


1 = 5+ unbalanced  11-23 HCP. 2 exceptions: 4-4-4-1, 5-3-3-2 (17 -19 + HCP)

If 5-4 -2-2 or 5-4 ♣-2-2 little concentrated open 1 ♣ or 1NT.



You may want to use the 1 NT rebid as natural:

1. to tell the partner that you are minimum with a singleton in his major (5-4-3-1 or 4-4-4-1).

    But then if you play x NT this is the wrong hand!

    Statistically it is 0.8 trick less  when playing for the hand of a singleton  especially after we have said this singleton.

   So forget ...

2. to tell the partner that you are minimum with poor 5-4-2-2.

   If you have 4 the problem does not arise since you bid 1♠ or give the ♠ raise.

   If 4 or 4 it was best to open 1♣ or 1NT.

3. to tell the partner that you are minimum 6-3-2-2 with a bad suit.

   Little interest because if you have not the strength to play 3 NT it is often best to play .

4. to tell the partner that you are balanced 12-14 HCP. Awake! playing MAJEURE SECURISEE you had to open 1 ♣ ...


Conclusion: when you open an unbalanced 1  it is of little use and even dangerous to rebid 1 NT with these hands.


In MAJEURE SECURISEE 1NT is GAZZILLI . With the rebid of 2♣ showing 7+ HCP, everything is in place for precise and secure developments.



How to bid the weak major 5♠-4 + on the opening of 1 minor.


If you play standard,  1♣ opening is balanced 55 times out of 100 and the opening of 1 is balanced 40 times out of 100. If you bid 1♠ and opener rebids 1NT, you have no problem to present hearts while announcing a weak hand.

If opener opens 1 and rebids 2♣, you rebid 2 which is not forcing. Rebid 2 (third forcing) with stronger hands.

If opener opens 1 and rebids 2♣ or 2 there is a big risk to present  the hearts because the rebid is  forcing.

If you want to monopolize responds at the two level to announce these weak  5♠-4 + , you see that this will be in vain unless opener opens 1 and rebids 2♣ or 2.

Now, if you play 1 natural unbalanced , you see that this time responds at the 2-level to announce these weak 5♠-4 + are always welcome.

Let's explore these responds ...




1 = 5+ unbalanced 10 +-23 HCP. 2 exceptions: 4-4-4-1, 5-3-3-2 (17 + -19 H)

         (In the 20-23 HCP range, hand is two-suited)

          If 5 -4 -2-2 or 5-4 -2-2 little concentrated open 1 ♣ or 1NT.


2♣  = Natural 11+ HCP, or  support (10+ HCP).

          Starting from 14 HCP may contain a fourth major (even 4M-3-3-3).

2♦    = 5+♠ -4+ . 3-7 HCP. diamond support possible,  too weak to prospect by 1♠.

2♥    = 5+♠ -4+ . 8-10 HCP. Maxi 2 With 3+, bid 1 ♠ then 2 forcing 1 round.

2♠    = 6♠-4+ . 8-10 HCP. Could be 5♠ if the suit is solid.

2NT = 12 +-13 + HCP 5 ♣-3-3-2 , guarded major.


Bids to the 3-level show a 4+ support in diamond and are limited to 9-10 HCP.

3        = 3-5 HCP, 4+ . One can even have 4 with a weakness in ♠!

3 , 3♠ = 12+ S, 5+ . SPLINTER.

3♣ = 6-10 HCP, 4+ . We can revive 12+ S, 5+ , but without major singleton.


1♠ = 10 +-17 HCP (18  not beautiful: 4-4-4-1 , poor  suit ).

2♣ = 10 +-17 HCP.

2 = 10 + -14 HCP.

2M = 4 cards support, limited to 13 HCP.

3M = 4 cards support, 3rd zone (17-19 HCP). (one zone stronger than in Standard).

4M  = 5-4-2-2 19-20 HCP.

2NT = 17+-19 HCP. 5-3M-3-2 (3 cards support in major).
            Rebids in TRANSFERT.     

2M,3♣ =  two-suiter of 10+ cards. Game force. With lesser shape(5-4), bid 1NT GAZZILLI.

      3M,4♣ =  SPLINTER. concentrated 5-4, 4th zone. At least 5 keys between AKQ, AKQ of the major and A

                      of the fragment. With  4-4-4-1 or 5-4 not concentrated, bid 1NT GAZZILLI followed by 

                                          SPLINTER if necessary.

     4♦    = 6-4 or 6-5, 4th zone.

3♦    = 7+. ~ 4 losers. Type ACOL.

3NT = 7 solid(AKDxxxx). Additional stoppers. The hand is a little weaker than if it had been opened multi 2.



            Too strong for 1♠, 2♣ and 2 but not strong or structured enough to reverse or jump. One becomes

            commited to talk again with 4♠ but necessarily with 4.

            Contains 4 cards support, 2nd zone(14-16 HCP) or 4th zone(20-23 HCP) with less than 5 keys.   

            or 2 cards support  with 17+-19 HCP 5-3-3-2M.                

                      → 2♣ = 7+ HCP, followed by 2NT = GF.

                                     → 2 = minimum 14-16 HCP (without 3 cards support)

                                     → 2M = 3 cards support, unbalanced hand(not 5-3-3-2) 

                                     → 3M = 4 cards support, 2nd zone.

                                     → 2NT = 17+-19 HCP 5-3-3-2M or 5-4 -2-2 (2 cards support).

    followed by natural forcing bids.

                                     → Other = 17 + HCP, without 3 cards support.

                      → 2, 2M, 3 = 3-6 H.

                                                    2M (2) =  4 cards support, 2nd zone.

                                                  2NT (2) = 18-19 HCP, 5-3-3-2M (2 cards support).

    followed by natural non forcing bids.

                                                  → Other  = 18+ HCP natural.

                      → 2 (after 1♠) = 5+-5. GF.

                      → 3    = limit raise, 5-6 HCP.

                      → 2NT = 7-10 HCP, 4M-3-3-3. It does not promise stoppers in other suits.

                                       Don't forget that opener has already bid 1NT.

                      → 3M  = 7 cards. Maxi 6-7 HCP.





Either natural 10+-19 HCP (5-3♣-4-1 too)

Or 15+ HCP, could be very strong but not structured enough for reverse or jump..

→ 2    = 3-6 HCP with 4+♣.

2    = 7-10 HCP, balanced with 4 or 5 clubs.

2♠    = 7-10 HCP, (semi)balanced with 6 clubs.

→ 2NT = 7-10 HCP, 6+clubs and shortage.

3♣    = 3-6 HCP with 6+♣(and shortage).

2M, 3♣ = Very structured hand. GF.

3        = 7+ good suit. ~ 4 losers. Type ACOL.



     2♣ = Natural 11+ HCP, or  support (10+ HCP).

              Starting from 14 HCP may contain a fourth major (even 4M-3-3-3).



2♦      = 10+-13 HCP.

Natural developments : 2NT (less beautiful than direct 2NT) and  3m not forcing.

2       = 14+ HCP, shortage (except perhaps 6-5♠).

On the 2NT RELAY : the opener extends his suits in the economic order.

→ 3♣   = 5+-4♣ +. On the 3 RELAY   :    3 = 5+-5 ♣,     3♠ = 6-4 ♣ ,  

                                                                      3NT = 5-4-3-1 or 5-4-4-0 mini, 4x otherwise.  

→ 3   = 6+-4♠ ?. On the 3 RELAY :  3 ♠ = 6-4 ♠, 3NT = 6-3-3-1 mini, otherwise 4x.

3♥   = 5-4♠-3-1 exactly. (Not 4♣, not 6, not 5♠ and not 4-4-4-1)

→ 3♠   = 6-5♠ indefinite shortage.

→ 3NT = 4-4-4-1 exactly mini, 4x otherwise.

2♠    = 14+ HCP, shortage (except perhaps 6-5 ).

Similar developments. including  3♠ = 5-4-3-1 exactly.

2NT = 14+ HCP, 6-3-2-2 or 5-4x-2-2.

3♣ = RELAY. → 3 = 6 cards. → 3M = 5-4-2-2. →  3NT = 5-4-2-2 mini, 4x otherwise.

3♣   = 14+HCP, ♣ shortage and not 6 . (4-4-4-1 or 5-4-3-1 or 5-4-4-0).

3♦   = RELAY. Number of ♦  ? 3♥  = 4-4-4-1, 3♠ = 5-4-3-1 and 4♣ = 5-4-4-0.

3♦   = 14+ HCP,  ♣ shortage, 6+ one-suiter.

3M   = 14+ HCP, 6-4M-2-1 or 6-4M-3-0 ♣.

3NT = 17+-19 HCP 5-3-3-2.


Note that after 2 and 2♠, on the 2NT RELAY  and in the following RELAY 3NT rebids by the opener are the more " balanced" as possible (he has no more suit to lengthen and XNT will be played by the good hand); but after 3♣, on the 3 RELAY  the  3NT rebid is prohibited for not playing XNT by the bad hand.