For a full reading of the conventions card of the MAJEURE SECURISEE:
What to do when opponent intervenes on 1
♣. the "ROTATING DOUBLE" has the advantage to have
the same developments as without intervention.
It is very good to remember at the table that on the 1♣ OPENING all bids are TRANSFER.
The "rotaring double" applies too after the opening of 1 ♦, but with several changes.
x = 4-5♥ (6♥ 9-11 HCP or misfit or with 4♠). 8+ DH (be careful with a shortage in clubs)
1♥ = 4-5♠ ( 6♠ 9-11 HCP or misfit or with 4♥ ) . 8+ DH.
1♠ = 4-5♣ likely. Small cue-bid. Search stopper in ♦ .
2♦ (3♦ ) = TRANSFER. 6♥ (7♥ ) weak or GF.
2♥ (3♥ ) = TRANSFER. 6♠ (7♠) weak or GF.
2♠ = TRANSFER. 6+♣ weak or 5+♣ GF.
2♣ = 4+-4+ in the major, 5-10 HCP, unsuitable for 1NT. Very useful to avoid being pre-empted.
3♣ = 6+ cards, 9-11 HCP.
x = 4-5 ♠ (6♠ 9-11 HCP or misfit). 8+ DH.
1♠ = Search stopper in ♥ . No 4♠ and no 6+ minor.
2♣ = TRANSFER. 5+♦ , below 10 HCP at least 6 cards.
2♦ = Impossible TRANSFER. Heart shortage . 10+ HCP. 4-4-4-1 or 5m-4-3-1.
2♥ (3 ♥ ) = TRANSFER. 6♠ (7♠) weak or GF.
2♠ = TRANSFER. 6+♣ weak or 5+♣ GF.
x = Denies a sixth single-suiter.
2♣, 2♦ = TRANSFER, 5+ cards, below 10 HCP at least 6 cards.
2♥ = Impossible TRANSFER. Spade shortage . 10+ HCP. 4-4-4-1 or 5m-4-3-1.
2♠ = TRANSFER. 6+♣ weak or 5+♣ GF.
x = 4-5♥ (6♥ 9-11 HCP or misfit or with 4♠). 8+ DH
2♥ = 4 cards support (12-13 DH).
3♥ = 4 cards support (16-17 DH).
1♥ = 4 cards support 14-15 DH or 18-20 DH.
3 cards support : 12-14 HCP bad stopper in ♦ or 18-20 HCP or unbalanced. Forcing .
3♦, 3♠, 4♣ = SPLINTER → 4♦ new TRANSFER .
1 ♠ = 4+♠, unbalanced (0-2 ♥ ) or bad stopper in ♦ .
1NT = good stopper in ♦, 3 hearts and (or) 4 spades possible (matter of judgment).
2 ♦ = cue-bid with maximum 2 hearts . Single-suiter in clubs or balanced 18-20 HCP.
If the opener bids 1NT (in other cases all bids are natural):
→ new TRANSFER = weak or GF.
→ 2♣ = Roudi. 5+M. Invitational.
→ 2♠ = TRANSFER 6+♣ weak or 5+♣ GF.
→ 2x remaining = 5+-4 major 10-11 HCP.
→ Natural bid at the 3 level are invitational.
Examples :
2♦ = TRANSFER weak or GF.
2♣ = 5+♥ . Invitational. Roudi.
2♥ = 5+♥-4 ♠, 10 -11 HCP.
2♠ = TRANSFER 4 ♥-5+♣, weak or GF.
3♣ = 4 ♥-6♣ invitational.
1♥ = 4-5♠ ( 6♠ 9-11 HCP or misfit or with 4♥ ) . 8+ DH.
2♥ = TRANSFER weak or GF.
2♣ = 5+♠. invitational. Roudi.
2♦ = 5♠-4+♥. 10-11 HCP.
2♠ = 4♠-5+♣, weak or GF.
3♣ = 4♠-6♣, invitational.
3♥ = 5♠-5♥ 9-10 HCP.
If 2♣ is natural, you can bet that the opener has a balanced hand . You may so bid a 5 card major at the 2 level.
X = Take out double. At least a 4 card-major(5-4 major possibly)
2♦,2♥ = TRANSFER. 5+ cards.
2♦ = TRANSFER then 2♠ = 5-5 less than 11 HCP.
2♥ = TRANSFER then 3♥ = 5-5 forcing.
2♠ = 10+ HCP. Looks for a club stopper. May contain 6+♦ invitational.
2NT = Natural.
3♣ = TRANSFER, weak or GF.
3♦,3♥ = TRANSFER,
weak (7+ cards) or GF (6+ cards).
3♠ = Two-suited 5♥-5+♦.
2♥ = weak 6 cards major.
We could play RUBENSOHL, but bidding 2NT to show 6+ clubs would deprive us of a very useful natural bid. And we could play 3NT from the wrong hand.
X = 4+♠.
2♠ = 10+ HCP. Looks for a heart stopper. May contain 6+m invitational or 6+♣ GF.
2NT = Natural.
3♣ = TRANSFER, weak or GF.
3♦ = Impossible TRANSFER. Shortage in heart. Don't denie 4 spades.4-4-4-1 or 5m-4-3-1.
→ 3♠ = opener has 4 spades.
3♥ = TRANSFER, weak (7+ cards) or GF (6+ cards).
3♠ = 5+-5 minor.
2♠ =weak 6 cards major
Same remarks as above.
X = STANDARD but may contain 6+♣ GF.
2NT = Natural.
3♣,3♦ =TRANSFER, weak or GF.
3♥ = Impossible TRANSFER. Shortage in spade. Don't denie 4 hearts. 4-4-4-1 or 5m-4-3-1.
→ 3♠ = opener has 4 hearts.
3♠ = 5+-5 minor.
1 ♥ = 4+ ♠
X = penalty double.
In this sequence the opener ignores the DOUBLE, if he prefers to receive the lead (doubleton KING, AJ, singleton). He uses ROTATING REDOUBLE with 3 or 4 cards support to make partner play from his hand (Queen, Axx, small doubleton or tripleton). Of course he can also make an other bid to deny a third fit. Which give :
2♠ = 4 cards, 12-13 DH. Interest in receiving the lead.
1♠ = 3 cards support or 4 cards 14-18 DH. Interest in receiving the lead. Forcing.
2♥ = 4 cards support, 12-13 DH. No interest to receive the lead.
XX = 3 or 4 cards 14-18 cards DH. No interest to receive the lead.
Likewise, we can play ROTATING DOUBLE after 1NT and a TRANSFER doubled by the opponent. Namely :
2♥ = 3 cards support. Interest in receiving the lead.
3♥ = 4 cards support, minimum. Interest in receiving the lead.
3♦ = 4 cards support, minimum. No interest to receive the lead.
2NT = 4 cards support, maximum. Partner decides who is playing the contract.
XX = 3 cards support. No interest to receive the lead.
Opener PASS without stopper (except 3♣) otherwise :
2x = natural with stopper.
2NT = two majors with stopper.
3♣ = two majors without stoppers.
On the pass by the opener which denies a stopper, everything must be done to make the responder play. Namely :
2♦,2♥,2♠ = weak. Responder ‟tears up” useless values in clubs.
XX = ROTATING REDOUBLE. Opener reverse possible major.
3♥,3♠ = Natural, 5+-4 major, to receive the lead.