We open 1♣ all balanced hands 12-14 or 18- 20 - HCP (except 5♦-3-3-2, 17 +-19 HCP open 1 ♦ ).
We also open the hands of 11 HCP with two major 4-4 and also the hands of 11 HCP not vul with 3-3 in major or 4 ♠ (rule of 15 somehow).
We transfer for the major (even fourth). This saves a level for major fits which is a huge advantage and will solve all the above problems. So we can respond with only 3-4 HCP without compromising the security level.
With weak 5♠-5♥ (maximum 9HCP) we respond 1♦(TRANSFER for hearts) .
1♣ 1♦ (4+ ♥ )
1♣ 1♥ (4 + ♠)
1M then 2M
1M then ...
12-13 DH , 4 cards support. The responder may pass up to 13 DH.
14-15 DH , 4 cards support.
16-18 DH , Unbalanced. On the 2♣ ROUDI opener rebis the other major(see
other sequences)
19-20 DH , the hand may be balanced or unbalanced.
1 ♣ 1♦ (4+ ♥ )
1♠ 2♣
2♦ 2♠
1♣ 1♦ (4+ ♥ )
1♠ 2♦
1♣ 1NT
1 ♣ 2NT
1M 2♣
1♣ 1M
1NT ?
For example :
1 ♣ 1♥ (4 + ♠)
1NT 2 ♣
2 ♦ ?
2♣ = TWO WAY CHECKBACK. invitational hands (or weak in a minor)
2♠ then shows a hand of 11-12 DH while a jump to 3♠ shows 13-14 DH .
An immediate jump to 3♠ shows a 5-5 major of 8-9 HCP.
Remember that the opener can only have 11 HCP.
2 ♦ = TWO WAY CHECKBACK. Game forcing. The opener describes his hand.
10 +-11 HCP . Some interest to receive the lead, or else 1♠ (no major)
12-13- HCP. Some interest to receive the lead, or else 1♠ (no major)
(remember that partner can open with 11 HCP)
2♣ = Roudi. The
opener rebids :
2♦ = 12-15 DH , 3 cards support
2M = 14-15 DH , 4 cards support.
2M(other major) = 16-18 DH, 4 cards support, unbalanced.
2NT = 18-20 HCP, 3 cards support
3♣ = 16-18 DH, 5+♣-3M. Unbalanced.
3x = 19-20 DH, 5+♣-3M. Unbalanced.
no shortage : → XNT except with a slamish hand : RETRANSFER
weak hand : → (RE)TRANSFER, 2♦ = 5+ ♠-4 ♥ or 2♥ = 5♥- 5♠
with shortage and 10+-15 HCP : → shortage TRANSFER.
invitational with major(s) : → 2♣
invitational two-suited of 10 cards: → direct jump to 3 level.
PASS = 5+♦ (since opener has only 2 cards in your major, you are quite sure to find 3+ cards support and a
doubleton in his hand)
2♥ = 5+♠-4 ♥
invitational (with 5-5 direct
jump to 3♥ ).
2♠ = 6 cards or 5 good cards with singleton, invitational.
2NT = diamond shortage 10 +-12- HCP
3x = diamond shortage 12 +-15 HCP, description of the hand.
As you could see later game force hands with a 6+ card suit are TRANSFERRED immediatly at the 2-level. That's why
you'ld never have problems to bid such hand after responding at 1 level.
1♥,1♠ raise structure
6-8 DH . 3 cards support (4-3-3-3 possible)
5-8 DH. 4 cards support (not 4-3-3-3).
9 +DH. 4 cards support(not 4-3-3-3). Limited to 11 HCP.
either STANDARD or 9+ DH 3 cards support ( if 12+ HCP can have a longer support).
2M = 12-13 DH .
2♦ shows a
non-minimum hand (nothing to do with diamond)
2M shows 3 cards support 9-11 - DH.
2♦ shows a non-minimum hand (nothing to do with ♦ ).
4M conclusion with a hand of 11+-14 DH.
2♦ shows a non-minimum hand.
2/1 is not game forcing. But in this sequence it is.
3NT = SPLINTER, 5+ cards support limited to 11 HCP with a shortage in spades (heart fit) or A-K singleton(spade fit)
Double jump = SPLINTER, 5 cards support. Limited to 11 HCP.
If you decide to play the MAJEURE SECURISEE, incorporate in your method what is said in this page.
You will then have the founding basis of the method.
You will continue with the developments on 1 ♣ opening and those on 1 ♦ opening.
And finally discover the 2 Major FANTUNES ...And you should not be far from
playing a modern aggressive system with lots of improvements on the standard.
To follow: 1